14 Oct 2021

Arena surface manufacturers set customers straight on Government rules

Distributed by the NTF on behalf of Carpet Recycling UK and its members

On 10th July 2021, Horse & Hound published an article which set out the Government’s new framework for how waste carpet can be used in equestrian surfaces.  Surface manufacturers are now working to ensure that their customers can meet the requirements. 

A previous article in the Horse & Hound on 23rd Jan 2021 had created some confusion over what was and was not permitted.  This article aims to reassure the end users and developers of arena and related equestrian surfaces about the continued use of carpet fibres in this sector.

In England, recycled carpet can still be used, as long as the material and its use comply with the Government’s Regulatory Position Statement 248 (RPS248) which is in place until its review by the Environment Agency (EA) in June 2022.  Under the new framework, surfaces must be produced under a set of controlled procedures to reduce and avoid any forms of contamination.

A collective of fibre surface manufacturers are working together under the RPS 248 and are liaising with the EA and Carpet Recycling UK to create best practice methods.

The group welcomes the changes and has been pro-active in demonstrating to the EA that their operational practices are fully compliant with the framework.

Since the introduction of RPS248, the group has been developing its own protocols on acceptance criteria i.e. how the waste carpet materials should be delivered into them, testing for chemical content, advice and guidance on how the surfaces should be constructed, maintenance programmes and options on how to replace and dispose of old surfaces.

Suppliers of carpet fibres to the equine industry are helping customers to ensure that they use the permitted quantities and that any new surfaces must not be constructed within a protection zone or within 50 metres of a water course.

The group wishes to reiterate that the new regulations only apply to new surfaces and top-ups of existing surfaces, and that they do not apply retrospectively, so there is no need for existing surfaces to be removed.

In Wales all surface users based in Wales (i.e. ménages, arenas, gallops etc.) must have a permit issued by National Resources Wales (NRW) before they can use the fibres as surfaces.  Natural Resources Wales / Permanent deposit of waste for recovery.

In Scotland, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) is considering adopting the new RPS248.  Carpet fibres can still be used in Scotland; however, it is recommended that the same changes and conditions proposed under the new RPS248 are applied. 


CLARIFICATION – Arena surface manufacturers set customers straight on Government rules

Carpet Recycling UK wishes to confirm that the news release titled “Arena surface manufacturers set customers straight on Government rules” of 4 October 2021 was provided purely to help and reassure the market on the use of carpet fibres in equestrian surfaces following notification of proposed rule changes, which were reported accurately in Horse & Hound in January 2021. 

It was the notification of the changes by the Government which were highlighted in Horse & Hound that led to speculation on whether carpet fibres could still be used at the time, rather than Horse & Hound's reporting causing any confusion.

We hope that the news release of 4 October helps to reassure the market that fibres can be used, so long as they are produced under the rules of the RPS248.

Contact www.racehorsetrainers.org for more information.