13 Jun 2024

Official statement from TBA in response to RTÉ Prime Time Investigates programme

The TBA fully supports the BHA’s response on behalf of the British racing industry following the airing of the RTÉ Prime Time Investigates programme and was horrified by the inhumane malpractice shown at the abattoir featured within the programme. The BHA full statement can be found here; https://www.britishhorseracing.com/press_releases/british-racing-responds-to-rte-documentary/

The TBA takes a proactive role in supporting the breeding industry to maintain and exceed the highest possible standards of equine health and wellbeing on stud farms across Britain and has led collective industry efforts in recent years to encourage greater traceability, with the introduction of the 30-day foal notification and foal crop whereabouts analysis, both of which are critical in demonstrating transparency and accountability of thoroughbred breeders.

This also includes the provision of written guidance materials, educational events and resources, industry representation at Government level and regular notifications on veterinary matters or regulatory changes. 

All breeders should follow the principles outlined in the 'Equine Welfare Guidelines for the Thoroughbred Breeding Sector'; comply with the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and any other relevant legislation; and endeavour to demonstrate best practice with all horses under their management, including adherence with the HBLB International Codes of Practice. 

Our recently updated welfare statement can be found here -  Policies (thetba.co.uk)